The Davis County Cooperative Society was founded on January 1st, 1935. Its founders sought to establish the long looked-for ideal condition known as the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.)

We have a rich history full of amazing individuals whose stories should not be lost.  On this page we will highlight a few of the men and women who play an important role in our heritage or have made outstanding contributions to the DCCS and it's members.  See also our US Veterans in the DCCS page.  Check back often for updates and new featured Biographies.

If you'd like your family member to be featured on this page, please contact us for details on how to submit a biography.

Bonnie Lou Snarr Owen

Bonnie was born on January 14, 1932 to Denzil James and Lucy Crossley Snarr. She was born in the LDS Hospital in Idaho Falls.

Charles William Kingston

Charles William Kingston was born June 26, 1884 in Croyden, UT to Charles Kingston Sr. and Mary Priscilla Lerwell Tucker.

DCCSOCIETY.ORG is prepared and maintained by members of the DCCS for the use of its members.

The views expressed are the opinion of the individual contributors and are not necessarily the official position of the Davis County Cooperative Society, DCCSOCIETY.ORG NEWS LLC or its owners.