Mary Priscilla Lerwell Tucker

January 3, 1862  to  November 19, 1939

Based on excerpts of Biography of Charles W. Kingston

Mary Priscilla Lerwell Tucker's parents were James Tucker and Betsy Valate Lerwell Tucker.  When her parents were engaged to be married as young people in England, they heard the message of the Gospel of Mormonism and decided to use the money they had in their hope chest to come to Utah.  After reaching the USA, they traveled on from Missouri pushing their hand cart across the plains to the Salt Lake Valley.  they settled in Morgan, Utah and built a home and raised a family of twelve children.  All of these children grew up and raised families of their own.  I (Charles) don't know of one of them that didn't lead honest and virtuous lives.  

Mary Priscilla Lerwell Tucker was born on January 3, 1862.  Her son Charles states:

"My mother, Mary Priscilla Lerwell Tucker, was a beautiful woman both in body and spirit. She raised a family of ten and taught them both by precept and example the principles of honesty and virtue.  If I fail in any degree to maintain these high ideals that have been handed down to me by my [parents], it will be my own fault."

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