Goals for Our Communities
- Live up to a high standard of excellence and service in our communities. Be a light on a hill.
- Protect children and vulnerable individuals from abuse.
- Protect parent's rights to teach their families the principles they hold dear.
- Educate plural families on their rights and give them a voice to affect change.
- Promote peaceful coexistence with the state and our communities.
- Protect the rights of plural families and their children to access Free Appropriate Public Education.
- Stop the persecution of plural families.
- Give our people back their citizenship.
- Form legislative / political action committees to protect the rights of our communities.
- Give us the right to representation in government when the decisions affect our own communities. Don't make decisions about us, without us.
- Coordinate efforts between different plural communities and traditions.
- Create a positive representation in the media.
Copyright © Davis County Cooperative Society