Mourning is among the people.
Much sorrow is known in the land.
Many are dying of hunger.
Affliction is seen on each hand.
Why is there such a condition
When the earth is full and to spare?
Have hearts grown cold in the making?
For our brothers do we not care?
Why should men be paid money
To cease to raise part of their crop
When people are weak from hunger
And will starve if the relief stop
Why is our wheat to the bottom?
Even less than one cent a pound.
Because of over-production
The market has become unsound.
Aren’t we brothers and sisters
All working toward the same end.
To enjoy life to the fullest
Our spare time in pleasure to spend.
When our years of life are ended,
We again return to the earth.
Kings,rulers, princes, and paupers
Are of no different rank or worth.
Each returns to the elements.
Kings become no super-kind
Of dust to help vegetation
Though his tomb in splendor is lined.
Each person comes into this world
And leaves it in the self-same way.
Wealth insures us no lease on life.
We cannot lengthen our stay.
Copyright © Davis County Cooperative Society